Ce que nous faisons
We design acoustic solutions that enhance spaces where people live, work, and connect by reducing noise and creating balanced soundscapes. We also work a lot with BIM-integration into our projects.
Room acoustic treatments are important for the sound quality in buildings. We create immersive sound designs that complement visual and brand concepts, using 3D models to support sound-based decision-making.
Various amount of sources generate unwanted vibrations. We assist in product development, full-building isolation, equipment isolation and much more to ensure that the vibrations are kept under control.
Environmental noise
We provide services to manage environmental noise, using advanced simulations to assess and minimize its impact on communities and surroundings.
Research - Development
We at Acouwood have a long experience in developing building system, and specifically with wooden solutions. We strongly encourage you to contact us for your next project.
Do you want to know more about acoustics and the challenges faced during building phases? Please contact us to learn more about what we can offer you in terms of lectures and education!
Nous sommes des consultants acoustiques qui intègrent l’expérience et la fonction acoustique dans les bâtiments durables du futur.
Acouwood croit au bois comme matériau de construction durable et nous croyons au potentiel du bois à fournir un matériau de construction alternatif naturel et écologique. Par conséquent, notre mission est d'accroître l'utilisation du bois dans la construction à travers le monde pour aider notre société à grandir et à s'adapter à une économie circulaire.